Weekend Events


Welcome Drinks

7PM - 10PM

Slim Aarons Cocktail → FAQs

Villa Royale
1620 S Indian Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92264

Recommend Uber, Lyft, or Taxi. There will be some hotel parking available.

Ease into the weekend of festivities with some drinks and d'oeuvres as you connect with old friends, and meet new ones.


Shuttle Pickup

2:45pm & 3:45pm

Villa Royale
1620 S Indian Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92264

Recommend Uber, Lyft, or Taxi. There will be some hotel parking available.

Shuttles will be provided to and from the ceremony. It is required to ride the shuttle to the ceremony. There are two pickup times, but please try and make the first shuttle if you can.



Desert formal; black-tie optional → FAQs

Frederick Loewe Estate

Mingle with new & old friends as you find your seat. The ceremony du jour will take place shortly after arriving at the Frederick Loewe Estate via the shuttle.


5PM - 10PM

Frederick Loewe Estate

Time to celebrate! Be ready for love, champagne, dancing, etc. post ceremony…

After Party

10PM - 12AM

Villa Royale
1620 S Indian Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92264

Shuttles will take guests from the Frederick Loewe Estate to the After Party Location, Del Rey at the Villa Royale for those who wish to keep the party going.


Farewell Brunch

11am - 12:30pm

Villa Royale
1620 S Indian Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92264

Recommend Uber, Lyft, or Taxi. There will be some hotel parking available.

Come for your goodbye's – stay for the mimosas. More details coming soon!

Palm Springs,
